

'澳门足彩app spends more time to develop its people than any other company I have been with. 军队训练将军. 它不雇用将军.'


据说当你成为一名海军陆战队员, 你一生都是海军陆战队的一员, 亚伦·辛普森就是这样. 的 Senior Corporate Recruiter on 澳门足彩app’s Talent Acquisition team has been with the company for a year and finds similarities between 澳门足彩app’s culture and that of the 海洋s to his liking.

Simpson, 44, lives with his wife, Patricia, in the 达拉斯 suburb of Little Elm, Texas. He was living in Houston until the floods of Hurricane Harvey and the desire to be closer to his parents prompted his move to the 达拉斯 area. 通过LinkedIn,他找到了目前在澳门足彩app的职位.

辛普森的大部分军事生涯都是在海军陆战队预备役度过的. He was trained as a motor transport mechanic and was planning to leave the service in 2001 when the Twin Towers fell. 当美国准备战争时,需要他的技能.

辛普森于1995年高中毕业后加入了海军陆战队. 他说他是一个注意力不集中,没有上进心的学生, 没有上大学的计划, 他和六个朋友应征入伍. 辛普森的父亲在越南战争期间应征入伍. Aaron Simpson joked that everyone was drafted into the Army and that he wanted a more challenging military career.

“的 biggest thing I got out of the 海洋s is that I grew up,” he said. “我是陈词滥调. 我是那种, 如果我只是做了作业并且专心的话, I could have graduated near the top of the class rather than near the bottom.

“军队迫使你成熟. 的y take you in as a kid, and 13 weeks later, they expect you to be an adult. 在我19岁的时候,我的头衔是美国的.S. 海洋. 现在,出去工作吧.”

After 9/11, word was that his reserve unit in 达拉斯 would not be deployed. Leadership came to him and asked him to join a unit in California that needed his unique skillset, 这是机械师和客户服务的结合, 他在平民生活中获得的经验.

He spent the spring and summer of 2004 working with logistics officers in Fallujah, 伊拉克, 帮助流离失所的平民. 这个时候, he and his wife decided that after nearly nine years it was time to end his military career.

军队教会了他人际交往技巧和一门手艺. He left the service because his wife got tired of him smelling like diesel fuel, he said, laughing. 的 real reason was that he had two young boys whom he wanted to watch grow up.

而他的两个儿子都没有参军, 他最小的儿子确实告诉父亲,参军是他的“后备计划”.”

“I told him I would disown him if he joined any other branch than the 海洋s,” Simpson said. “我还告诉他,海军陆战队不是后备计划. 我们不是后备计划. 我们是一个承诺.”

Prior to joining 澳门足彩app, he had worked recruiting laborers for other companies. 加入哈斯克尔后,他发现自己身处一个熟悉的环境. 的 culture is about building up team members rather than impeding their careers, he said.

澳门足彩app spends more time to develop its people than any other company I have been with,” he said. 这是军队的共同点. 军队训练将军. 它不雇用将军. 这里有很多这样的东西.”

辛普森觉得没有公司政治让人耳目一新. Already he has found a sense of camaraderie similar to that of the military.

“我为我的服务感到自豪,”他说. “我很自豪地说,我是一名美国人.S. 海洋. 这是你挣来的头衔. 我为此感到骄傲.”


澳门足彩app proudly employs 退伍军人 of the 美国 Armed Forces and currently has 76 team members who previously served our country. 为了纪念退伍军人节,哈斯克尔.Com本周将每天关注其中的一个. Additionally, 澳门足彩app annually presents each veteran on our team with a special thank you gift.

As 澳门足彩app grows rapidly across the 美国 to meet the needs of new and existing clients, 退伍军人继续发挥着越来越大的作用. Those who have served our nation understand mission, structure, results and accountability. 他们是完美的搭配 澳门足彩app的核心价值 团队、卓越、服务和信任.

Are you interested in transitioning from the military to a career with a vibrant, 成长型公司提供几乎无限的机会? 澳门足彩app了解更多信息.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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