工艺开发专家迈克·奥斯本, 站, 与迈尔斯·爱默生合作, 左, 克里斯·约克, 两位助理警司, 在波音-日本航空公司塞西尔机场工作现场.



通过保持多样性, 订婚了, 受过良好教育、装备精良的团队, 澳门足彩app继续实现有意义和有利可图的扩张.


纵观其历史, 澳门足彩app has been committed to the education and advancement of its team members.

“We've always had excellent learning opportunities and a focus on career 发展, 这也是澳门足彩app成为一家优秀公司的原因之一,” 执行副总裁兼首席运营官John 保罗 Saenz, 谁, 在他25年的哈斯克尔职业生涯中, has earned an MBA and completed numerous executive education programs with the company’s support.

但近年来, 澳门足彩app 2025的实施和运营, 它的战略增长路线图, 澳门足彩app outgrew its capacity to adequately train and engage its fast-growing workforce. Achieving the 澳门足彩app 2025 charges of “providing team members with the best jobs of their lives” and “driving operational excellence” would require 有意义的 and intentional investment.

澳门足彩app has invested in programming designed to extend technical training to team members on active job sites, 传授新的技能和方法,使他们能够更好地为客户服务.

“我们看到了这种增长, it was clearly important to provide more structured technical skills training to provide 有意义的 career 发展 to our new team members,萨恩斯说. “The approach of significantly investing in learning and 发展 recognizes that we need dedicated operations resources and subject matter experts for consistent training platforms across the entire company.”

在前50年稳步扩张之后, 哈斯克尔的员工人数翻了一番,达到2人以上,团队成员100人,2017 - 2022年. 有超过 在美国、亚太和拉丁美洲设有20个办事处, maintaining the quality, consistency and certainty of outcome clients expected became a priority. 例如,St. 路易, 密苏里州, needs the same onboarding and experience and under站 of methods and expectations as a project manager hired in 墨西哥城 or 新加坡.


2020年7月, 布鲁克Jones-Chinetti was named Director of Learning and Team Engagement to oversee the 发展 of goals and strategies. 琼斯-奇内蒂和她的团队领导了哈斯克尔大学的全面改革, 公司的学习管理系统, to make the curricula more accessible and include features such as personalized subject interest tags and badges based on courses completed. 提供新的和升级的课程, 其中包括及时和相关的主题,如多样性和包容性, 设计思考, 心理健康, 允许员工发展普遍适用的职场能力.

Three new trainers and four instructional designers have standardized and significantly improved training, 简化方法, elevating learner experience and aligning curricula to the 发展 needs of team members. 因此, 澳门足彩app团队成员完成了超过104个,到2022年,培训时间将达到5000小时, 比2021年增长67%,两年增长155%.

“There was no limitation to what our investment in technical training skills would look like,萨恩斯说. “We simply said, ‘What’s the right thing to do, and what’s the best way to do it?“我们思考了我们从学习中欠团队的东西, 发展, 和参与的观点,这也为我们的投资提供了信息. 这种心态使我们能够探索如何提供即时的, 有意义的, 以及对我们的团队成员和客户的可持续影响, 并带领我们制定了AEC运营培训计划. This unique program partners a dedicated team of subject matter experts in architecture, 工程, and construction with accomplished learning and 发展 professionals to develop industry leading technical training in our core markets, 学科, 和服务.”

Training not only informs team members and helps them better serve clients, 但它也创造了一种社区意识. Team members are seven times more likely to be 订婚了 when they understand what is expected and how to accomplish it. 团队的成长和发展直接对应于用户粘性比率, 哪些随着工作质量的提高而稳步上升.


每一年, 澳门足彩app partners with Gallup to administer its highly acclaimed Q12 Engagement Survey,它提供了团队成员对12个陈述的看法的快照. The extensively researched surveys provide a snapshot of attitudes and inform action plans for improvement. In 2022, 55% of 澳门足彩app team members were highly involved in and enthusiastic about their jobs compared to the U.S. 劳动力平均32%. 整体, its 9:1 ratio of 订婚了 to dis订婚了 team members far outpaces the global average of 4:1 for companies using the Q12 survey.

“理解我们所处的轨迹是建立在我们的价值观之上的, 我们的文化, 我们的战略是我们公司的基础,” Jim O 'Leary,董事长、首席执行官兼总裁. “我们希望扩大业务, 进入新市场, 扩大我们的客户基础, but all of that will require integration with the culture and values that we have as a company. The company’s success going forward will be a culmination of strategy and culture intersecting.”

通过有目的地投资于多元化, 订婚了, 受过良好教育的, 装备精良的团队, 澳门足彩app has continued to meet its ultimate goal of achieving 有意义的 and profitable growth.

“如果我们从现在往后看10年或20年,萨恩斯说, “the one strategy that will stand out as being the most significant will have been the Learning, 我们投入的发展和参与投资. 这一点我很确定.”

澳门足彩app正在招聘! 探索许多可用的选项 加入一家成长中的公司,承诺为您提供一生中最好的工作.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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